The Well-Being of Sport Fans

Predicting Personal Life Satisfaction and Social Life Satisfaction


  • David Kesler Murray State University
  • Daniel Wann Murray State University


Team identification Sport fandom well-being


Previous research has found a positive correlation between sport team identification and social life satisfaction (Wann & Pierce, 2005). However, relationships among sport fandom, team identification, and personal and social life satisfaction had yet to be examined.  Based on the Team Identification - Social Psychological Health Model (Wann, 2006), it was hypothesized that team identification would be a significant predictor of social life satisfaction but not personal life satisfaction, while general sport fandom would be a significant predictor of personal life satisfaction but not social life satisfaction. The results provided support for the hypothesized patterns of effects although, unexpectedly, identification was a significant predictor of personal life satisfaction as well as social life satisfaction.


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