That's Classic

The Effect of Nostalgic Media on Sports Consumers


  • Mark Slavich Grand View University
  • Eric Hungenberg University of Tennessee, Chattanooga


nostalgia, media, sport consumers, well-being


Nostalgia is prevalent throughout society, with retail, media, and sport among the sectors employing strategies designed to evoke consumer nostalgia. Research has shown such efforts to be effective, leading to positive social, psychological, and behavioral outcomes (Sedikides, Wildschut, Arndt, & Routledge, 2008; Sierra & McQuitty, 2007). In the sport context, though, research of nostalgia has primarily been limited to facilities and tourism. With the presence of nostalgic sport media such as classic games and documentaries, the purpose of this study was to explore the impact of nostalgic sport media on sport consumers. A sample of 263 participants throughout the United States was assessed. Results exhibited the impact of collective and historical nostalgia positively impacting well-being, pleasure, and consequent sport behavioral intentions. Further, the role of time and type of media consumed yielded practical and theoretical implications. These findings are discussed and potential future research on the topic is presented.


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