Attitudes toward Aggressive and Violent Behaviors and the Role of Life Skills Among University Club Sport Athletes



Behavioral health problems, Student-athletes, Life skill transfer, Youth sport, Positive youth development


The twofold objective of this study was to examine the relationships between: (a) overall life skills and attitudes toward aggressive and violent behaviors outside of sport; and (b) specific life skills and attitudes toward aggressive and violent behaviors outside of sport. A sample of 84 university club sport athletes (Mage = 20.83, SD = 1.49) at a single mid-sized university in the United States completed an online survey. Data collection was conducted using the Life Skills Scale for Sport and Code of the Street scale (i.e., attitudes toward aggressive and violent behavior). A series of 2-stage hierarchical multiple regression analyses, with attitudes toward aggressive and violent behavior as the dependent variable, were performed for overall life skills and eight unique life skills. In stage one, gender and sport type served as covariates. In stage two, life skill(s) were added as the independent variable. Results indicate that overall life skills significantly and negatively predict athletes’ attitudes toward aggressive and violent behavior outside of sport. Similarly, emotional skills, time management, problem solving, social skills, teamwork, leadership, each independently made a negative and significant contribution to attitudes toward aggressive and violent behavior outside of sport. However, goal setting and communication were not significant predictors. Considering the affinity between attitudes and behaviors, findings suggested that, for university club sport athletes, overall life skills and certain unique life skills may help inhibit aggressive and violent behaviors outside of sport. Such findings provides insight for administrators, coaches, and other stakeholders servicing the needs of university club sport athletes.


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