Passion Profiles and Multidimensional Well-Being in Marathon Runners


  • Derek Hanson Farmingdale State College-SUNY
  • Stephen Samendinger
  • Eric Martin


passion, well-being, cluster analysis, marathon running, psychological distress


The dualistic model of passion has been linked to several psychological constructs related to well-being in runners. Evidence suggests that investigating the interaction of passion subtypes might increase our understanding of the relationship between passion and indices of well-being. This study used both person- and variable-centered analyses to investigate the relationship between passion, multidimensional well-being, and psychological distress in 219 adult marathon runners. We performed a canonical correlation multivariate analysis to determine the relationship between passion types and psychological outcomes, as well as a multivariate analysis of variance to compare passion sub-types to indices of well-being. Results indicated that harmonious passion was significantly and positively related to multidimensional well-being and negatively related to psychological distress, while obsessive passion was significantly and positively related to psychological distress. Minor differences in well-being and distress between passion sub-type clusters were also noted. A discussion of these findings includes the benefit of using passion profiles that consider the interaction of harmonious and obsessive passion with and a person-centered approach to aid in our understanding of these measures of well-being in runners.


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