Exploring Sport Fan Experiences with Multiple Cases of Team Expansion and Relocation


  • Brett Parent Brock University
  • Craig Hyatt Brock University
  • Shannon Kerwin Brock University


sport fans, hockey, social identity theory, sport consumer behavior


Abstract: Current sport consumer behavior research examines a fan’s experience with one team relocation or expansion at a time. However, this work is limited as many fans have experienced multiple relocations and expansions, exposing them to teams at various levels of play. To better understand how this experience impacts team identification development and maintenance and advance sport consumer behavior knowledge, we interviewed 12 hockey fans from Belleville, Ontario, Canada, as that region has had four cases of expansion and relocation since 1981. Participants suggested three ways their experiences impacted their fandom. First, geography, distinctiveness, and childhood exposure were motives to cheer for a newly established team, while existing team allegiances were barriers. Second, fans developed different points of attachment to an amateur team versus a professional minor league team, as well as points of detachment with minor league hockey. Lastly, they experienced six changes in perspectives towards teams, leagues, and hockey.

Keywords: sport fans; hockey; social identity theory; sport consumer behavior

Author Biographies

Craig Hyatt, Brock University

Brock University, Department of Sport Management, Associate Professor

Shannon Kerwin, Brock University

Department of Sport Management

Associate Professor


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