Beyond the Books:

Navigating College Well-Being through Mental Toughness, Social Connectedness, and Athletic Engagement



Physical activity, Athletes, Mental Toughness, Social Connectedness, Well-being


College students face many challenges when adjusting to classes, making friends, and potentially living away from home for the first time. Collegiate athletes face even further challenges due to the amount of time and energy dedicated to their sport. Protective factors that can allow students to thrive under pressure and protect well-being include mental toughness and social connectedness. Using both quantitative and qualitative methods, the present study examined the influence of mental toughness and social connectedness on well-being in undergraduates and how this differs based on levels of sport participation and physical activity. Data were collected from 163 participants from a Northeastern U.S. university, including Division I athletes, club athletes, intramural players, students who worked out regularly, and students who were physically inactive. Higher levels of mental toughness and social connectedness were significant predictors of well-being at all activity levels. In addition, those who were physically active scored significantly higher in mental toughness and social connectedness compared to those physically inactive. Open ended responses provided further evidence that staying physically active, particularly with participation in sports, provided a sense of belonging that related to positive well-being and an enhanced college experience. This study demonstrates the importance of physical activity in enhancing well-being of college students through numerous positive protective factors.


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