Differences in Narcissism and Aggression Between College Athletes and Non-Athletes
narcissism, vulnerable narcissism, aggression, collegiate athletesAbstract
The purpose of the current study was to explore differences in narcissistic tendencies between athletes and non-athletes, and to identify the moderating effect of athlete status on the relationship between narcissism and aggression. Participants in this study were college athletes (N = 117) from NCAA Division I and Division III programs, and non-athletes (N = 471) from the same institutions. Participants completed a questionnaire that assessed narcissistic grandiosity, narcissistic vulnerability, and general aggression. Independent samples t-tests revealed no significant differences between athletes and non-athletes in narcissistic grandiosity or vulnerability. Moderated regression analysis demonstrated that athlete status does not influence the relationship between narcissism and aggression, which was positive for both athletes and non-athletes. These findings contradict the stereotype that athletes are generally more narcissistic and support the relationship between narcissism and aggression that has been identified previously. Based on the findings, mental health and sport professionals would do well to be aware of the role narcissism may play in aggressive behaviors exhibited by their clients and players.
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