Sport Heterosexism Scale – Gay Men

Development and Initial Validation


  • Elizabeth Mullin Springfield College


Reliability, Validity, Exploratory Factor Analysis, Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Sport


The purpose of the current study was to develop and provide initial evidence of reliability and validity for the Sport Heterosexism Scale – Gay Men (SHS-GM) scale, a two-dimensional measure of heterosexist attitudes in men’s collegiate athletics. A four-phase study was conducted to develop and initially validate the SHS-GM. In the first phase, a review of literature was conducted, items were developed, and the first version of the SHS-GM was reviewed by a panel of experts. In phase 2, exploratory factor analysis was used to extrapolate a factor structure for the SHS-GM after it was completed by a national sample of male athletes. In phase 3, we conducted a confirmatory factor analysis to confirm the structure with national and regional samples of male collegiate athletes. A 14-item, two factor solution was accepted. In phase 4, concurrent and convergent evidence was found when relating the SHS-GM to theoretically linked constructs. The SHS-GM demonstrated initial evidence of reliability and validity as a measurement of heterosexist attitudes in men’s collegiate athletics.


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