Self-Efficacy of Female Youth Athletes in a Positive Youth Development Program



Self-efficacy, Adolescent, Sport participation, Sport performance, Sport Psychology


A large proportion of adolescents participate in athletics (Kelley & Carchia, 2003). It has been well documented that athletes’ perceived self-efficacy is strongly associated with their performance (Hepler & Chase, 2008; Moritz et al., 2000). The current study examined the sport-specific competency of adolescents, as well as explored which sources (Bandura, 1977) contributed most strongly to their perceived self-efficacy, during an intensive, sport-specific training camp. Female adolescents were surveyed before and after the intensive training camp. The results revealed that adolescent-aged athletes’ perceptions of their sport-specific self-efficacy increased pre- to post-camp, that their endorsement of the sources of efficacy tended to increase pre- to post-camp, and that the sources of efficacy tended not to account for a significant amount of the variance in individuals’ perceptions of self-efficacy. Suggestions for coaches and mentors at sport-focused programs are provided.

Author Biographies

Alexandra Di Felice

Alexandra is a graduate student in the Counseling and Mental Health Services program at the University of Pennsylvania. 

Darcey Powell, Roanoke College

Dr. Powell is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at Roanoke College. 


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